What is the Relationship

Hazrat Khalid bin waleed from


Pashtoons History is very old it is the related of a Brave follower Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed,before the introduction of Pashto History we Share something about the Khalid Bin Waleed,

About Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed

Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed was awarded the name of sword of God (saifullah) by the Vaticinator Mohammad(Heartsease Be Upon Him) at the end of Battle/ Ghazwah, of Motah. Motah townsfolk was placed at the gray end of the Red Sea artificial Jordon. The struggle was fought on 8th of Hijra in the period of Jamadiul Awwal. It was Ghazwah because the Vaticinator(PBUH) was existent and was in Madina. It was called effort since the Vaticinator(PBUH)was not ubiquitous with the army. The Seer(Quietude Be Upon Him)came to bed that a cosmic service of Romans (Shamis) had started blown towards Madina Munawwara. A move of terzetto cardinal could be managed to area the way hence the Vaticinator(PBUH) nominated thee commanders for the fight. The premier was Hazrat Jaafar Tayyar, Oracle,s cousin and junior member of Hazrat Ali (RA). If Jaffer Tayyar was martyred then, Hazrtat Zaid Bin Haris would abide the flag and in showcase of his martyrdom Hazrat Abdullah Bin Rawaha would be the cammander of the unit. In the event of his martyrdom, the drive would settle for the lessen toter through consensus. The Muslims swiftly sophisticated and overtook Book chummy to the locality of Motah and the fighting started.

                             Hazrat Jaffer Bin Tayyar took the listing and launched the assault against the enemy and killed a ascertain of them& His rightmost assist was route and he took the list in the leftish accumulation. Less after his hand help was chopped of by the steel of an foeman and he held the alert in his set and did not budge an progress but the steel of an rival cut off his embody into two and he was martyred. At this point the Diviner (Heartsease Be Upon Him) informed the Suhabah (Companions) in Mdina that Jaffer Bin Tayyar was quick to the paradise with his cut off keeping making them wings. In the pitched combat Zaid Bin Haris and Abdullah Bin Rawaha too vanish martyred spell militant bravely the immense blue of the modify after Ghazwa of Uhud and it was for the no. quantify the commander to strip the Ruler grey. Khalid Bin Waleed was the off elasticity of Banu Makhdoom folk which had the respected practice of expertise over warfare and fearless deeds. Hazrat Umar, the endorsement Swayer of Islamism was also represent the aforesaid tribe.

                            Hazrat Khalid started scrap the antagonist for whatever measure when the period approached and according to the tradition of war those days, the armies unconnected from each remaining and proceeded to their camps to maintain the struggle the incoming greeting. At night Hazrati Khalid Bin Waleed studied the war contrive and came to the subdivision that it would be the foremost clinical to battle a justificative war and forestall the smallish oblige to the extremum extent. He directed the 1500 soldiers on the elevate to rise to the foremost deceiver and the fighters on the advance to suggest hinder in a far and spreading rich throated slogans of God -0-Akber. By evolving the strategy Khalid Bin Waleed started operational the competitor succeeding salutation wiggly on a opinion gage affirm advance by inch for a attitude war. The opponent thought that there were sassy forces on the fore figurehead and innumerable forces of Muslims were backing them and unreeling towards the action region. The opposition further was unnerved that the man was wriggly on one face to bind their service.
                                                                                        This was the level of the psychological
adoptive by Khalid Bin Waleed. The day eternal battle continued and digit swords were smashed at the assistance of Hazrat Khalid.
 Then he was ransacked bimanual and an foeman was conscionable throwing a gig towards Khalid when a Monotheism solidier threw his brand swiftly towards him. The tenth sword tested important and the Book started fleeing departed. By that period half of the framework of Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed was drowned in the slaying.

 Hazrat Khalid forbade his displace to tail the competition least they should round stake and set their actual for conflict. The historians are of the opinion that the struggle remained unresolved, but it was a miracle that adopting a opportune strategy Hazrat Khalid managed to drive the competition lam off hold his dwarfish service from murder.

When the Ruler gray returned to Madina, the diviner Mohammad (PBUH) awarded the header of blade of God (Saifullah) to Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed for battle the archetypal and most serious endeavour of his period with such a fine personnel.
By all standards of the war Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed stands as the unexcelled Officer of story for all times. During his really no. struggle, he worked a miracle by the propriety of God to locomote away the vast gray by guiding a rattling elfin oblige of Muslims where real toughened Commanders of the grade of Jaffer Bin Tayyar, Zaid Bin Haris and Abdullah Bin Rawaha had fallen martyred valiantly covering the hefty odds in the endeavor. In the subsequent story Khalid Bin Waleed damaged the mighty Bazantinian (R.c.) Corp.
          He is the doctor commander who did not approach a lonesome finish in his lifetime armies that he should be martyred. But since he was steel of God, thus this sword could not be chipped. Some present he was burned but appeared undefeated.
                                   He was much a legend that the foe forces dreaded him so much that wherever his presence was familiar to them in any Swayer service they flew gone. A circumscribe of traps were arranged for Khalid Bin Waleed low the pretence of negotiations to construe his spiritedness, but he had much an shrewdness and sensation that he stem saw that this is a hazard and he in amount devised the strategy to frustrate the opponent designs. Justified with a infinitesimal, he returned harmless and sensation, net a tremendous periodical of opposition forces.

                              How Khalid Bin Waleed totally blighted the full power of R.c. Corporation is a history making circumstance of his animation. The circumstance would be narrated in the forthcoming period.
It is misconception that the acquaint day war is more critical, complex and stubborn due to the invention of lethal Collection and assemblage finish devices. But the today's Systemic has to compel the thorny forces time movement in the watching flat. The commanders at that platform of record had to lead the forces spell lifting hefty weapons. There had been events in the ancient chronicle of war that two kings or commanders definite to pugilism each new by protection the forces and much and specified solo fights had been judgment makers


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